TSS Clinical Trials Digitalization User Forum

TSS Clinical Trials Digitalization User Forum 

February 10-11th , 2021



TSS User Forum 2021 sets out to discuss best practices for streamlining clinical trial costs and efforts through the utilization of digital technologies while moving more towards a patient-centred trial experience.  Together with our most valued partners, we are hosting two half-day virtual sessions with interactive content addressing value-adding digital transformation in clinical trials.  
Seamless operations

Leveraging IoT to transform clinical trials and lower costs in 2021

TSS Bluetooth Low Energy sensors are proving their usability and performance in global pilots. In this session, we will share pilot results from global clinical sites, key distribution centres, airports and shipments. What defines a successful implementation of a seamless clinical supply chain?

Ensuring a safe drug to every patient with Digital health and Remote inspections

The need for greater visibility and efficiency has never been more apparent as now, during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. By enabling the upload of Bluetooth sensors in Clinical patient apps, TSS strive to facilitate Direct to patient trials.

Mobile apps are as well suited for CRA’s and Monitors to optimize daily work with dashboard tools that enable remote site visits. For investigators, this means more efficient and real-time monitoring that accelerate remote inspections.

Recent inspections have highlighted a review of audit trail patterns as another area in need of automation. This manual and time-consuming exercise is one that could transform into machine learning algorithms detecting abnormal audit trail patterns.

Actionable insights

Creating a holistic end-to-end view that drives sustainability and reduces waste

How can AI and machine learning give actionable insights to reduce temperature excursions and identify savings?  In this session, best practice data collection is discussed together with toolkits for building prediction models. TSS will share our development on the Insights module and discuss what a cross-company data lake could look like.

Transforming future

“We are looking for a monitoring solution that can change as our business changes”…

…said one of TSS clients in a recent RFP. The Life science industry, like many other industries, are challenged with the fact that there is always something better around the corner. 5G and IoT are becoming available at high speed, and the adoption pace of new technology is increasing. What defines a future proof and technology agnostic platform? How can digitalization transform clinical trials, while maintaining quality standards that ensure safe medicine?