White Paper: Keeping the Cold Chain on the Level

Maintaining an optimal temperature is vital during the transit of pharmaceutical products. The data captured as evidence of product conditions must be of the highest possible quality or the entire cold chain is put at risk. Temperature monitoring services provider TSS’s cloud solution offers shipment analysis from a risk management perspective.

Maintaining an optimal temperature is vital during the transit of pharmaceutical products. The data captured as evidence of product conditions must be of the highest possible quality or the entire cold chain is put at risk. Temperature monitoring services provider TSS’s cloud solution offers shipment analysis from a risk management perspective.

Keeping the cold chain on the level

Cold-chain management is of vital importance when it comes to maintaining the quality of pharmaceutical products. If such items are exposed to suboptimal temperatures during shipment – either too high or too low – there is a risk that they will be damaged and their efficacy reduced. Download this white paper to learn how TSS solution helps you monitor and analyse temperatures at every step of the transportation chain.